Meetings, research… We’re always running around doing something over here at Goodie. What’s more is people are always asking us do to do really specific favors and fulfill some crazy requests. This week in light of the recent flurry of activity we upgraded some of the essentials in the office to accommodate our hightened workload. But only the essentials.

Popcorn popper- Giant yellow old school popper you might find in a throwback, 60’s movie theater (Or theatre for our European friends!).

approximate freshness and tastiness*

Animatronic Monkey Head- This is pretty self explanatory isn’t it? No? Well, it’s a monkey head with a remote control that makes it move and talk and stuff…

Mrs. Potato Head- Thanks to an ebay typo/oversight, we are now the proud owners of the much overlooked spouse of a famous spud. It’s crazy how one little ‘’s” can change Mr. to Mrs.!

$5.00 well spent

Sword Display- This one is more of Hector’s own personal addition then a corporate one, although I have some pictures (and video come to think of it) of Malachi and everyone “choppin’ broccoli” while taking a break from designing.

So anyways, all these neccessary things make for a happy work environment. I guess. I don’t know why we got some of this stuff actually. I mean the whole point is to have fun, but that monkey is one piece of creepy machinery if I’ve ever seen it…