[Cliché blog apology for lack of updates goes here]

When I don’t have time to put together images for posts, I usually don’t post at all because part of me thinks that an image validates a good post, but some of the best blogs I read have no images at all. Today’s post will fill you guys in on some super secret stuff that you won’t hear elsewhere so count your lucky stars there are no images today!

We’re getting ready for the Pool Tradeshow in Las Vegas, NV from August 25-27. Funny coincidence, we’ve been doing Pool for 6 years or so, and this year our booth # is finally 625. For those of you who don’t know, 625 is the official goodie number because of it’s likeness to G2S (625… see?). Anyways, I know some of our stores read this and I’d like to extend a special, informal invitation to come by and see whats new with ‘The Sleeves’ in Vegas!

On to the meat and potatos (Or tofu & potatoes?). Do you sleep? Chances are your answer is ‘yes’. (If not, might want to get that checked out) Anyways, we’ve talked about it for some time, but development is underway on a very special sleep-related apparel product that will hopefully be appearing in Goodie retailers this winter. It’s going to be sooo cozy, er… fun!

We’ve been swamped getting ready for this next show, and our online shop has been missing us, but we plan on hooking you guys up with some suuuuper cool new tees and products. Did someone say “More Dinosaurs?” :]

This summer we are also working on some licensed works that are looking incredible so far. Great products from the 80’s and 90’s will be part of our arsenal very soon. We’ll keep you posted!