The official title may not actually be so long, and we sure as heck didn’t raise any actual money (Although a couple people might have been placing bets). We went to our friend Jered’s house to enjoy in some croquet and then indulge in a Thanksgiving dinner. That’s right, A brand new Thanksgiving dinner, the day AFTER Thanksgiving. It was awesome.

The park was ripe for the owning and we played two vicious brackets to determine the supreme winner (and supreme loser) of the day.

I took this shot of Jered. He might be the photographer, but I’ve got an eye for tilted, far away, fish eye, oops-there’s-my-shadow shots as well!

Half the fun was dressing up for the event. This year’s theme was ‘Old People’ or something, while next year’s theme is like, ‘Elderly Persons.’ Basically raid grandpa’s closet and get ready to swing a hammer around. The wife and I actually ended up winning ‘Best Dressed’ even though there were some GREAT outfits!

All in all, a super game and a super day. I have a feeling next year is going to be twice as many people. I mean, who can resist an excuse to play ‘Ghetto Golf’ and not have to replace your divots? I certainly can’t.