I’ve been working like crazy of late (the post 3:00am time-stamp is my proof) and haven’t had much time for anything, much less keeping the rest of the world informed. In any event I have a couple nuggets for yall.
Firstly, we’re implementing a lot of new things ’round here and one of them involves creating a more fluid online shopping experience for all of you. We’re going to be needing your help though so please sign up on out mailing list. We don’t spam or share your info, but we probably will send you exclusive savings just for doing it.
Nuther thing, what is it with owls? I’ve been obsessed lately. I’ve been dreaming of sketching owls which probably isn’t that weird considering my recent sleeping habits.
Oh, and I finally started Twittering for those of you into that sort of thing. Check out the link if you want to follow me to get all the juicy details on my breakfast eating habits, and my curious brain activity aka ‘how a design is born.’ I knew I’d do it someday, but it’s still pretty foreign. Maybe with a few more followers I’d be more inclined to, I dunno, offer a 40% off discount to twitter followers only? Hah. Bribery.
Anyways, I saw a couple Z’s flying around a second ago, don’t mind if I go catch some would you? Of course not.