Goodie Two Sleeves® has created/been inspired by/inspired/imagined of a lot of things over the last 7 or so years. Wouldn’t it be fun to get an inside look at our guts the innards of wonderment that make us who we is?
If you said ‘No’ then bail, homie.
If you said ‘Meh, I guess.’ then that’s good enough for me! Welcome to the wonderful world of:
For Fun Fact # 1 we thought we’d talk about our name. ‘Goodie Two Sleeves’ as many of you already know, is a play off the old timey saying, ‘goodie two shoes’ started way back in the 17th century. Yep. THAT long ago. ‘Goodie (sometimes ‘goody’) two shoes’ is often used to imply someone’s ‘virtuous nature’ or in other words how squeaky clean they are. Since we’re a positive humor based clothing company we took it one further and switched out ‘shoes’ with ‘sleeves’ because we make shirts and shirts have sleeves. Two of them actually. It works on so many levels.
The term was popularized in a book called ‘The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes‘ written in 1765 by an unknown author, but it showed up a century earlier in a story by Charles Cotton (See? Cotton? Shirts are made from cotton? It all ties in!) in which he wrote:
Mistress mayoress complained that the pottage was cold;
‘And all long of your fiddle-faddle,’ quoth she.
‘Why, then, Goody Two-shoes, what if it be?
Hold you, if you can, your tittle-tattle,’ quoth he.
Hold you your tittle-tattle indeed. He told her! Well, fast forward to the 40’s 50’s and 60’s and you’ve got our parents as children calling peeps in the school yard ‘goodie two shoes’. Why? Cause they heard their parents say it, who heard their parents say it. Booya. An old school, real life meme.
Well, this clown Adam came along in the 80’s and was like, “Dudes, I heard me mum mention her chap being a ‘goodie two shoes’ the other fort night. What a wicked cool idea! Parry, thrust.” British people don’t actually talk like that, but celebrities in my made-up-dialogue-dreams do. So anyways, Adam got together with his friends (who were apparently some ants) and they wrote a whole, wonderful song about it:
You go girl! Anyhow, flash forward to the conception of Goodie Two Sleeves. Me and my friend were hanging out in a department store and we were like, ‘Man, what’s up with all of these really crass and vulgar shirts? What if we wanted to buy something positive? Hey, let’s do that. Let’s start making shirts that are positive and stuff!” Later that night, seemingly out of nowhere, I thought of calling our lighthearted answer to the low-brow alternatives Goodie Two Sleeves, because that’s what we are. Now, after 7 years, we still have people call us ‘Goodie Two Shoes’ because they get it, but every so often someone will say “I heard some dude say ‘goodie two shoes’ and it sounded so weird because I’m used to hearing ‘sleeves’.” and our little hearts fill up with love and spill over into our stomachs and make us hungry so we get pizza and then get tired and take naps.
Well, that’s an awful lot of the word ‘Goodie’. Anyhow, that’s just one of many ‘ain’t t cool’ things we plan on sharing with yous guys. You guys. Hey. You guys. HEY YOU GUUUUYSSS!!!!! Haha.