Isn’t that how that saying goes? I don’t know, I’m only four. BUT, I’m not sure why we didn’t post this earlier, like, say, when this magazine episode (They’re called episodes now. Science.) was still out. BUT, better late than early as my sleep always says. Because I don’t like getting up early. Jokes! AAAANYways, Michael Ivins from the Flaming Lips knows what I mean. He’s seen here wearing our Science Is Awesome shirt.
This tee is an ‘oldie but a goodie’ as we like to say, and is still available in Onesie and Toddler sizes online! Tell you what, buy this for your little grom so you can dress them up as Michael Ivins for halloween! Or Christmas! Or Mondays! Be sure to send us photos of you wearing your Goodie tees for our fans page! And while you’re there see what other magazine and celebrities have supported The Sleeves!