Get it? Because this is cool and it’s from that movie Whiiii–aaawww, nevermind. You get it. But YES, we have a shirt in a cool movie starring Drew Barrymore (the one who gets an elbow to the face) and Ellen Page. It’s the standard, cliche coming-of-age movie about a girl who quits a beauty ball to rollerskate and punch people. You know, CLASSIC MOVIE. Anyway, Kristen Adolfi plays one of the ‘Manson Sisters’ and there’s a scene where she gets in trouble for totally throwin’ ‘bows in the general vicinity of ‘Smashley Simpson’s face. That’s a dealbreaker, ladies! Allllll that to say she does so wearing Goodie’s ‘BAD’ shirt.

Smooth move. (We do not support violence in any way shape or form. Please do not wear roller skates and elbow your friend’s faces!) A pretty stellar way to end the week! (Thanks for the tip Jered!) Click below to pick up your own bad tee, in a variety of colors and sizes.