We don’t make t-shirts. Well, that’s not true, we totally do, but the REAL money is in da movies! (Lemme take u 2 da movies?) So we’re getting into show-biz! That’s right ladies and GERMS (Because we’re famous now so insults are okay! Science.) We invested every last penny we had (which was none. This isn’t a real story.) and moved to California! Where we already were! All the bright lights and fast cars… Hollywood, here we come!
Just kidding. We are making a video though. Although I can’t show you what it is yet, here’s a shot of yours truly in my directing debut!
The tripod to camera ratio is a little off (See: very off) and I’m not actually filming anything right here, I’m just yelling at the wall, because INSPIRATION! Or something. Man, it feels like I keep writing weirder and weirder. Don’t lie. You love it.