Man! So many great things about today! First off let me start by saying that I have recently been informed that I am now the sole heir to a 2.5 million dollar FORTUNE left behind by my beloved Nigerian Doctor Pastor Great Grandfather that I didn’t even know I had! All I have to do is send his ghost’s bank account all of MY money to release the funds and then its all fruit smoothies and Nerf guns from here on out!
My last unknown relative inheritance didn’t work out due to them stopping all communication with me once I wired them my money, but its a good thing I have so many deceased, rich, previously unknown relatives in Nigeria!
In other news my good friend, Bryan Waterman is not just funny, he is also FUNNY. He started a cartoon series in 2003 called Waterman and he sort of recently started a cartoon MOVIE of his series! It stars Leslie Nielsen and other hilarious people. Long story A LITTLE LONGER, he’s raising money for the project through and he needs your help! Every donation is rewarded with something starting at your name in the movie’s credits and ending with a personal screening of the film! If you have a buck or two set aside for cartoon fundraisers then THIS IS YOUR MOMENT TO SHINE!
ANYSWAYZE, My Nigerian FORTUNE isn’t here yet so my friend will need all YOUR help! Let’s show him how much we love him! Click here to help!
In other news, We are on the cusp of a BIG sale here at Goodie! Last time we gave away a free iPod Nano and THIS TIME… Well, you’ll have to wait and see, but let’s just say that this give-away is for an ELITE group of awesome people! The sale and give-away both start on JUNE 15 and will last until JULY 15 so get ready to rumble and come back often for details!
And last but certainly not least, for your viewing pleasure, Justin Bieber’s new hit single, SASHIMI: