I tubed once, but it didn’t take long for me to fly out and get a nose full of lake. ( I don’t know why they’re calling me ‘Devin’ in the video, since it is OBVIOUSLY me.) Anyways, when I first heard about YouTube I was like, “No Thanks.®™©” because I had ALREADY DONE THAT, but then I realized I’m just a silly twelve year old monkey and they meant INTERNET TUBES, you know, the ones Al Gore made!
Anyway, YouTube is very fun. Today I made a Benny Hill remake with the boat slip-and-slide that has been floating around the internets lately, for no reason at all!:
I also moments later happened upon an interview I did while in Las Vegas, MARS for a stranger with a video camera asking other strangers questions about what they’re doing for human/worldy friendliness in their businesses:
I’m VERY much a professional talker and NOT awkward at all! Lastly, I stumbled upon a girl dancing in her backyard to a Ke$ha song, wearing a Goodie Two Sleeves shirt! I can’t embed it because OBVIOUSLY this girl doesn’t want to be FAMOUS and she disabled that feature, but you can click the shirt below to watch it!
You can also BUY this ferocious tee by clicking here! YouTubes: Fun for the Everyone.