We sent Leslie over to good ole’ NYC, NY, USA, Earth for a buttload (See: 1,000) meetings with various peeps and persons. One of these meetings was with the champions over at NBC who make our jobs soooo much fun. Case In Point: Some dude named Mr. Cool Guy McAwesome Face, aka Patrick drew a little doodle of Liz from NBC and posted it on facebook. We got our hands on the image and before Leslie left town we printed a bunch of tees for them to wear and distribute on the black market. Suffice to say it was very fun/funny.

Liz is the one wearing the Lizzi shirt... wait.

Funny story (maybe [probably not?]): The LAST time we met with NBC, we were waiting for them to arrive from the airport in the lobby of the hotel they were staying at and I was informed that they would be at LEAST another half hour so I said, “Listen dudes (to the dudes I was with), I should probably get some gum because I think my breath stinks.” So I went to the hotel lobby gum & water store for some gum. SECONDS LATER, I turn around and Liz is standing right behind me, but because I was CONVINCED that they had only just landed and I was ALSO self conscious about my gum-needing-breath I just stood there and said “Uhhhhhhhhh” (Or something along those lines. Liz can clarify.) I was certain that it wasn’t Liz but some California resident, hotel visiting DOPPELGANGER until Liz said, “Uh, hi Gabe.” I MIGHT have even thought “HOW DOES SHE KNOW MY NAME!” but probably not. I don’t remember. Anyways, COOL STORY GABE!