Why is this place about to blow, you ask? Because of all the fans! We gave away 10 shirts last week on our facebook and twitter pages, I wonder if we’ll give away any more THIS week?… I guess you’ll have to like/follow us to find out! Until then, check out one of our awesome friends.

This is Dave. Dave is awesome. He is an artist and really good at posing for pictures. He is a professional self-portrait taker and Elf trainer. He has a lucrative chain of trees from which his Elves manufacture and distribute cookies.* After a lucrative and long career of letting people touch ‘this,’ Dave has finally retired, notifying those around him that they may no longer touch ‘this’ the best way her knows how. By telling them they cannot touch ‘this’.

Formerly a fancy statue, Dave is now a real boy.

Dave, we wish you good luck in your quest for a world-wide end to this-touching. Go get ’em, tiger.

* Disclaimer: Dave may not actually train Elves to make cookies out of trees. He definitely wants to though.