Go Tom Cats! Go Wild Cats! Go Laser Cats! And while we’re at it, Go Bandit Cats! And all regular Bandits too. We sponsored the Warren Bandits this year because if we love anything, it is sponsoring Warren Bandits. And guess what? They won! The championship!
Now, the only information I was provided with was that they won “The Championship” which I am assuming is the Championship of the Universe? Because is there any other? Now our interstellar Bandits have trophies and what appears to be a big brown tent that they can set up behind them when they take photos! (It’s called the Championship Brown Tent. Duh. Look it up.) Anyway, since it was the Universe Championships they won, they were also given a gigantic space crown, a unicorn and a trip to Mars and/or Neptune. Probably. It’s hard to keep up with the current prize listings for Universe Baseball Little League Championship Tournaments™®©. Anyway, since they didn’t show any of that stuff (because all these guys are all humble and AWESOME), I fixed the picture for them:
Job well done guys! If you have a photo from special event you are wearing something Goodie to, send us a picture and we’ll post a blog about you too! pictures@goodietwosleeves.com