For SOME reason, I have been really enjoying a certain sub-genre of dubstep lately? I don’t know why? I am otherwise partial to silly songs from cartoons and sad, acoustic-guitar-solo melodies as of late, but for reasons unknown I have really liked myself some dubstep these last couple months.

Case in point: I was recently sitting on my couch and someone lurker filmed me enjoying a lovely dubstep song by Skrillex. I am a little embarrassed because my hair is a mess and I’m not wearing a shirt, but I’m showing you guys just in case you didn’t believe me when I said I mildly enjoy some specific dubstep songs. Here is the proof, all you non-believers!

Also, in case you didn’t know, I am a seventeen month old blonde baby. When the song drops I kind of space out, but only because it’s so dirty. See? Dubstep lingo. Next time: More news about t-shirts, probably!