Something we don’t mention a whole lot is how we work with some amazing companies to develop amazing product for amazing things (NBC Universal®, Disney Parks®, etc). Working with NBC® for example has led to some awesome tees for Laser Cats, MacGruber, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, The Golden Girls, Heroes, The Office, 30 Rock, and even Conan O’Brien!
The story behind the Conando tee is several months ago my friends and I scored tickets to see a taping of Conan and, seeing how I work for an incredible t-shirt company, I decided to make some custom, 5-of-a-kind, Conando tees (because those skits are HILARIOUS and because my friend suggested the idea). Anyway, we each wore 1 shirt and I had an NBC Page run the last one to Mr. O’brien before the show started. Well a few days afterward we talked to our friends at the NBC Store and NBC ordered this tee to sell! Eventually some guy bought one from NBC and then he showed up on an episode last week!
It never gets old DOING something you love and working with people you are HUGE fans of, but then seeing that OTHER people like what you do as well is almost too much! I mean, this was just a normal guy like you and me (but not James Franco, he loves pillows and is weird. [JK. You’re cool, James!]) and he saw a shirt he liked of a guy he thinks is cool and he got it and wore it around town and wound up on TV. We just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of our fans and friends!!!!!! And a HUGE thank you to NBC too (You know who you are!) for asking us to help make some awesome threads for some great shows. What a great way to start the week.