JUSTIIIIIN BIIIIIEEEEBBBER!!!!! I know you guys! He has a song with Ludacris and it’s called “Baby”!! And they made a music video for that song! And it should wind up in your eyes within the next day or so! BUUUUUUUT! Inside SCOOOOOP! We have some behind the scenes pictures! Sort of! They aren’t of the video! They’re of a girl IN the video! Wearing one of our tees!Her name is Jasmine!
Nice shirt Jasmine! She got it exclusively from HERE.
Jasmine is wearing our Garibaldi Jeanelle V-neck shirt. She’s not the only one dressed in Goodie on the set, but we’ll tell more about that later! And for fans of Justin or videos or shirts, you can see Jasmine in this awesome tee in the background of this video of Justin talking about the video!
Also this is like, the best picture EVERZ!
You’ve just been BIEBER’D! “I LOVE YOU JUSTIN BIEBER!” This girl TOOOTALLY knows what I’m talking about! Click on this image to buy the Garibaldi Jeanelle V-neck!