We have a friend in Adam Richman of Man V. Food fame. He not only has been spotted wearing our once great ‘Will Flex For Food’ design in several episodes, he is also a champion at life, and all life champions are our homies. You can see Adam in his Goodie Two Sleeves® tee below:

What’s more is he interviews some girl for all of 3 seconds and SHE is wearing a Goodie tee too, which we almost didn’t catch:

Man V. Wild, meet Goodie V. Goodie

We no longer sell Will Flex For Food, (if you would like us to start carrying it again, email us here.) but we totally still carry Eat Your Vegetables, which is the tee seen on this lovely young lady above. Grab your own here:

Now, we get lots of tips about our shirts on famous people and in the media, it’s just a lot of work to screen grab everything and put it online, mostly because we’re way too busy being totally awesome and making shirts. But if you spot some Goodie in the WILD, email us at tips@goodietwosleeves.com and we’ll totes give you credit and some free stickers! And if it’s like, on Jay Z or Bono or something we’ll probably send you a gold brick (or a t-shirt, whichever we have more of in stock at the time.)