While we put together a special blog post for your sensory pleasure for next week, I wanted to give you something for your humoryitious Laughtus Nerve (Yes, that is a real thing [No, I’m not lying {Yes, I am}]). This isn’t so much t-shirt related as it is awesome related, but since Goodie is awesome related, we’re playing Kevin Bacon over the bloggernet. Subject? Dogs. Thesis? ‘Dogs, though small and stinky, may serve a purpose after all; mockery.’
You see, I’m mildly allergic to dogs. I had a dog growing up but it was just sort of there in the back yard. Recently, I tried to ‘rescue’ one, only for it to JUMP OVER MY FENCE and flee from my sneezing lovingness (Don’t worry, we found it and gave it a new home [Which it also escaped from]). So me and dogs don’t exactly have a great history, but I do think they’re awesome, especially under the right conditions, just like below.
Here we have a classic example of ‘Wig on Dog’. Though it may not SOUND funny, it LOOKS hilarious. Kind of like putting a wig on a person, except not at all.
Here we have the ‘Dress Your Dog Up For Halloween’. Now this is crazy because c’mon. They made this dog a ninja! Dogs can’t be ninjas! Hahah. It’s funny because everyone knows only cats can be ninjas.
This is the “Dress Your Dog Up For No Good Reason Other Then You’re Bored” look. Although not as topical as, say, a Halloween costume, the funny-factor is still present with a bonus fear of a dog bite in your near future. It’s like high-stakes gambling, only you could lose a finger.
And finally we have, erm, something. I’d say watch your back for making a make-shift-dog-burrito, but he seems as though he rather enjoys it. Just goes to show that you can’t explain everything away to the science of ‘Funny Dog Stuff 101’. I mean, this is hilarious, but also troublesome in that the dog is like, stoked about being man-handled (or woman-handled, I’m not sure) like this. But hey, at least he’s making lemonade out of lemons (Let’s just hope that’s a metaphor and he’s not actually peeing in grandma’s towel).
P.S. – What’s with all my parethesis today? Ha.