We’re finally a REAL nation, you guys! Today marks the day that America graduated from the sixth grade and I am SO proud of that little guy! Sure, he spilled an entire carton of CRUDE OIL all over the Gulf Bay of our living room, but he didn’t mean to! Like they say, “Don’t cry over spilt crude oil on your Gulf Bay kitchen ocean tile” or something. I think it goes on to say, “Only cry over milk, because it is subsidized.” Look at me, getting all Doctor Politics over here! But I digress. Since I obviously know what I am talking about, I would like to say not enough ‘Mericans have seen this epic video, celebrating Mericuh’s independence from NOT getting to use enough amazing computer animation. NOW WE CAN! FREEDOM!
In all honesty however, a genuine and heartfelt ‘Thank You’ from Goodie Two Sleeves to all of our friends and family in the military. And we love America! Go team!