We’re shipping some things out today. Online orders, regular boring mail, tons of shirts to stores, XBox 360s, well, only ONE of those… Anyways, most big companies have boring trays or boxes for their outgoing mail to be picked up from. We don’t do boring here.

Our outgoing mailbox

Nope. Even most of our snail mail goes Goodie Parcel Expedited Service Delivery Travel… which just means we stamp our face on stuff.

Is that a smiley face on my mail or is my mail just happy to see me?

I went into the warehouse to see what was happening back there and saw we’re packing a couple big orders for NBC.com. (Speaking of which, I just noticed we have a new Chuck tee in there! Noice.)

Nothing like the smell of a few thousand freshly printed tees to wake you up in the morning!

This one’s a big seller for Chuck AND it’s for ladies ONLY! 😉

Since when is a 'World Tour' just a couple local parking lots?

And this one’s a classic that’s still going strong.

If you watch this episode of Friends, this image is probably very much like the one they describe.

We love our friends over at NBC. We love eating fish and chips with them and getting really surprised to see them when we’re out buying gum and water and doodling on napkins together! When I grow up I want to hang out with NBC for a living!


Sorry, what were we talking about? Shipping stuff? Oh yeah. BUT WAIT! While I was in the warehouse JUST A MINUTE AGO taking pictures of this NBC stuff, I climbed the giant staircase on wheels we have back there JUST BECAUSE IT WAS THERE and I got a great view of part of the warehouse!

I can see my house from here! No, really, I live in a small box in the warehouse.

Aww, how beautif–WHO’S THAT GUY!?!?… ENHANCE.

I can see that dude from up here!

He doesn’t work for us, who is he? ENHANCE.



Side note: I ate a Subway sandwich today.



I gave up at this point of sneaking up on him and went back to my desk. I guess he was a super secret ninja ghost. Also, what? Anyways, congratulations to Gerard B. of San Jose, CA who won our XBox 360 Give-Away! We packed his order today and he’ll be receiving his box full of Mr. T comics and plush turtles and XBox 360s (just 1) soon!

This is a LOT of shwag!

Hand written letter in CRAYON. That;s how we roll, son.

So, yeah. This post was really long, mostly because I kept enhancing that dude’s head and then gave up. I think did finally find out who he was though! Have a great weekend everybody!