That’s right ladies and gentle-bens! Today we’re talking bikes! We’re making BMX bikes now! JUST LYING! Our friend Adam Cole put a Goodie sticker on his whip though, take a look!

What a lonely little cloud up in the sky there! Also, what a SHORT PHOTOGRAPHER!

Nice Handshakes Are For Strangers tee, Adam! Also, one of our designers, Leslie has a bike! She covered it in 5 Goodie stickers! So I guess that makes her 5 times as good as Adam at having a bike with Goodie stickers? Also, she is pictured here, being very good at being invisible:

This image had the longest file name I've ever seen. Also, nice travertine flooring!

Neat invisibility trick, Leslie! If you have a picture of YOUR bike ( Or computer, or desk, or school binder [or summer binder? Y’know, cuz skoolz out? { Nevermind.} ] ) then make sure to send it to us at!