Or tofu dinner? Anyways, we received SO many entries in our Rocket Summer contest and yet only one lucky person will win. Who will it be? Will it be this unicorn? (Definitely not. All unicorns are exempt from winning The Rocket Summer contests. It’s a long story.) But before we announce which non-unicorn won, we want to thank everyone for entering! We’ve already made such awesome new friends!

We also want to thank AP Magazine for running our contest and really making it a fun thing! Hands down our favorite music magazine! I would also like to thank Jered Scott for exclusive use of his photo of Bryce for our contest! And last but not least I would like to thank Bryce Avary of The Rocket Summer for being an awesome musician and human being! I once spent an evening with Jered, Jason and Bryce driving around L.A. and watching The Blanks and eating frozen yogurt and it was very cool. But I digress…

The WINNER of The Rocket Summer Contest is:

Sarah Benke!


Depending on Sarah’s personality, she is either celebrating like this or like this. She wins 5 Goodie Tees, 1 autographed TRS tee, and an autographed TRS Rocket, plus extra goodies! The hardest part about picking one winner means NOT picking everyone else, but I know you guys are rooting for Sarah and still congratulating yourselves for being AWESOME!

High Fives on me! You deserve it!

Anyway, we weren’t going to announce a runner up prize because we weren’t going to HAVE one, but we’re feeling good, so we will give away a free Goodie t-shirt to our 2nd place winner, who iiiiiiiiiiis:

Grant Hartley!

Congratulations, Grant! You didn’t win the Grand Prize but you won a place in our hearts! (Which has no monetary value!)

We will be contacting our winners to deliver their prizes. For everyone else though, stay tuned because you can STILL will a free Goodie Two Sleeves t-shirt this Friday as we will be giving away 3 FREE TEES to some random friends on facebook and twitter!!

This will be you, winning a free t-shirt.