Welp, it’s that time again! Time to hint at lots of crazy cool stuff without actually revealing very much and then embedding a video of something weird and/or funny!
We’ve been incredibly busy working on lots of crazy, cool stuff! I can’t reveal much, but let me sum up a teaser: New designs. “THIS IS UNEXPECTED AND I CAN’T WAIT!” – Everyone, probably. Actually, there IS some cool news. In addition to our weekly release of 5 new tees online called High-Five Friday, we are about to make some really great changes online. Even better functionality, bug fixes, new promotions and offers, more tees & merchandise.
Oh, and thanks to the fans who bought our Sad T-Rex button from Hot Topic and posted it on Tumblr and reddit. That was a lot of fun! #1 on the front page of reddit for a day? Amazing. Thanks guys.
Ultimately though, there are even more projects going on that I just can’t talk too much about yet. And it keeps us busy and keeps us away from this blog we love so much. It’s sort of like this:
At any rate, stay tuned for the following awesomeness: Disney, more artistic tees, NBC, even more humor tees, expos & trade shows, 80’s Music, big sale, webstore changes.