If the stuff I’ve been doing lately is any indication of how the holidays are going to continue to be, then I’d better catch up on some sleep now while I can. Just went to a city-held party of sorts in nearby Paso Robles, famous for it’s wine (and beer [and culture]). It was a magical, freezing night of magic… and freezingness.

First house we ran into had crazy piano and singing coming from some speakers and a crowd of peeps in front of a window. Upon closer inspection this dread donned dude was jamming out some ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ from the comforts of his living room. I don’t know why, but this was only one of a ton of dread locked scalps we would see all night.

There was a LOT going on everywhere all night. This was some kind of televised caroling deal or something I guess. It was funny though only because they were totally drowning out the earnest tunes of 3 little girls singing their hearts out across the street. Location, location, location!

Drama-llama. Or alpaca snack-ah. Or camel mammal? I don’t know what these were exactly, but one was named ‘Tina’ and was eating some ham.

Then there was this gem. Some guy converted his house into a pseudo-stage and walked around with a wireless mic being Uncle Scrooge for all the younguns (and olduns too I guess).

He walked around responding to the hundreds of comments. “I love you Scrooge!” “BAH! Well I don’t Love you!” … “Merry Christmas!” “There is no Christmas! Bah Humbug!” … “You’re awesome!” “Well you’re a snaggletoothed hag!” Oh yes. He went there.

This barbershop quartet wasn’t only good, they were funny too, asking a group of teenagers if they were ‘Barbershoppers too’ cause they were all wearing flannel jackets and backwards hats! Ha! Also check out grandpa’s gold tooth in the middle! Heck yeah baller.

Some houses were really elegant in their decoration approach this year which was a nice change of pace. Really almost understated at points, but classy and timeless.

Then there were those that spent this year’s holiday bonus in the ‘Lighting’ isle in Home Depot and vowed to put every new item on their front lawn. YOWZAH.

Then BAM! Out of no where a pirate ship was just sitting there, like it belonged. This actually had wheels and drove around too which is just as awesome as it is inappropriate.

There was a HUGE line to wait to see Santa (of which I had NO interest if you read about my last run in with ‘Big Red’) but he had all kinds of helpers meeting and greeting too. I decided grabbing a picture with the dude in the tree-dress was a great way to end the night.

It was actually a lot of fun, walking around a whole lot and seeing a bunch of cool (weird) stuff. We want you guys to take pictures of yourselves wearing you most ‘wintery’ Goodie stuff while you’re out and about this Holdiay season. We’ll give a free shirt to the awesomest entries we get, so get crackin!