So everyone just got back from the Goodie UK trip and it went amazing! Lots of new stores, lots of new countries even! We’ll be sure to let you know where to pick us up in the UK, France, Italy, etc once all the orders land!
Everyone who went across the pond is still wicked tired, but I managed to get a couple pictures and stories from the journey before Mal crashed on the company couch. :] Enjoy!
Aaaaaand they’re there. It was weird getting used to driving on the left side of the road.
The rooms were really nice, albeit small. It was a welcomed sight after that 15 some-odd hour flight though!
Time to eat!
Apparently the round blackness to the left is a mouth watering portion of pig’s blood. Nothing says ‘Start the day’ quite like a spoonful of Babe’s life-juice.
Cab fare for the next 7 days. I feel like this money is way cooler then US money… Buuut maybe it’s just because it’s worth more!
Time to head to the Edge tradeshow, but not before showing you guys the shwanky bathroom. Floor to ceiling tile and wood panneled ceilings are just a couple of the highlights in this baby.
We reeeeally wanted to take the Double Decker Bus, but it wasn’t going towards the show. It’s all good though. While walking we met some pretty rad people as you will see below.
The show was pretty rad. All sorts of vendors from everywhere! We ended up being just about the only humor driven brand there which gave us a good ‘edge’ at The Edge… Not funny? Ok I’ll stop…
Our booth turned out awesome. And I wish that was our tie-died shirt!
We met a BUNCH of rad people there, including (for the first time in person) our friend Rosianna! Check out her Youtube page here and subscribe!
So while walking down the street Mal spotted some Japanese people taking pictures so he decided to jump in with them. Then he gave them some stickers and they all freaked out! When he decided to give them some shirts they started going CRAZY! It was awesome.
Our new friends with their new clothes.
How did these get here?!?
We want to thank Mark for making this trip such a blast. Thanks for everything dude! And thank you guys for reading. Have a rad night!