For April Fool’s Day we Rick Roll’d all of our friends. If you happened to miss this, just clicky clicky here: Goodie Two Sleeves’ New Webpage Layout!

It was just a little fun. Something that we didn’t get a chance to tell you all yesterday however, was that for April Fool’s Day: Internal Edition, we tried pranking each other around the office. I thought it would be cool to send official looking pop-up message the PC users on our network with messages like ‘Error: You’re a dimwit. To increase luminosity replace brain bulb.‘ Or something like that. Well it turns out fiddling with IP addresses and hostBios Names can be hazardous so I actually April Fool’s’d myself by breaking the whole internet for half the day.

In the end it was an easy fix and I played it off like, “Haa… Yeah… Did that to… you.. guys…. on.. purpose……. Merry April Day of Wonder!” But they all knew I was just a dummy.

Other various activities included putting funny stickers on each others cars, changing computer desktop images to make it look like the monitor was broken and throwing imaginary banana cream pies at everyone’s faces. In my head. Make-believe. Because everyone was mad at me. Because I broke the webernet.