Did we post about this already? I’m too lazy to check. Even if we did it deserves to be posted again. Someone asked me the other day (In a dream. Underwater. And he was a toaster.) ‘What is the best music video in the world?’ Obviously since Goodie Two Sleeves is a touch-stone for all things ‘music video’ and totally has everything to do with music and videos, I had the answer. Obviously. Instead of answering the toaster (because in my dream he was going to use the information to steal all my nachos.) I decided to tell YOU GUYS.

THIS is the best music video in the world. Duh.

I hope I don’t need to explain WHY this rules my face off so hard I could totally be in that movie ‘Face Off‘ because my face is off due to excessive ruling. I hope you already know that it’s because this is crazy and amazing and weird and hilarious and cool and cliche and butt rock and made sort of recently and he’s serious and lots of folks love America, but no one as much as this guy. Ever. I showed George Washington this music video and he was like “This totally rules my face off. This guy LOVES America. Let’s get some nachos.” And Me and George Washington got nachos. And a toaster kept trying to steal them. But we didn’t let him. Because we were robots. My dreams rule.