We’re all out in Palm Springs this week for our annual company outing, scheming new ideas and plotting our revenge on that surfing manitee that totally bogarted our wave last week. Harsh Bro. But really, lots of talks about our new president and financial institutions mixed with talk about awesome shirt ideas and blah blah blah.
I’ll tell you how hard we’re working out here. I dropped my notes in the hot tub at one point and threw a fire cracker at Malachi. Right now we’re barbequing and talking about Mythbusters and video games and listening to Adam Sandler. :/ Tough stuff!
But really, we are getting a lot done in hashing out Goodie’s 2009 game plan and you can expect some awesome things even BEFORE oh-nine rolls around. (Like a cleaner & better website, more product, and lower prices.) Good news all around.
Well dinner’s done and my notes are dry so we gotta get back to the importnt stuff like taking pictures of Lee’s chihuahuas and watching the Laker’s game (and working…ish).