So Teen Choice 2009 was awesome! Lots of teens and lots of choices… But really, 83 million votes decided the awards ceremony and some vampire love story won 11 awards. Crazy! 🙂
I can’t be expected to know who all of these celebrities or movies or bands are, but I did see a LOT of them.
It was rad to see pictures come out of the event with our tees and bags in the mix. Dino Tote bag? Check! ‘Proud To Be Awesome‘ shirt? Check! Young talented actors? Check! Is that a Furby on the table? Maybe Check!
Anyway we’ve received tons of entries for the Gift Bag Give-Away and we’ll be announcing a winner on Friday. We’ve even decided to add a bunch of extra stuff to the gift bag to make it even gift-baggier! Plus just because I’m feeling good, if you postmark your entry or place an order TODAY you’ll still be included in the drawing for the gift bag. Super sweet right? Well, we’ll see y’all on Friday to announce the winner!
Make sure you follow us on twitter too for even more contests and give aways in the future!