Don’t Be Shy, Send Us Some Pictures!

Some of the coolest stuff we get to see is our fans and friends sporting their brand new Goodie Gear! We get all kinds of people sending in photos of them in their fave t-shirt of ours and we love showing the world your great taste in clothing! We ALSO know that...

Zoom Zoom Zoom(ies?)

…Oh, ZUMIEZ! Okay. Hi Zumiez! What’s that you say? You has sum tees of ours? O YAY! U r has dem four sales? O GUD! Dat r be gud nooz toh heer! Sorry, for any of our readers who are NOT lolcats, I apologize because for some reason I slowly degraded into...

Vroom Vroom Vroom

CRASH… Just kidding. Happy September Day! Jason parked like this the other day so that we all had to walk completely around the building. AROUND THE BUILDING GUYS! That’s like, at least twenty more feet or something! I’m not very good at math!...

I’m A Vegetarian…

…except for when I’m eating meat, that is! Hey-ooooohhhh! Speaking of salad-scarfers, we have been known to make a best selling vegetarian tee or two in our day, and we recently made one for Journey’s that has been doing extremely well. There are so...

If You Love Dinos So Much Why Don’t You Marry One?

We’ve been doing a lot of business with Hot Topic recently and it’s been great, but for SOME reason all you guys really LOVE you some dinosaurs! This shirt is making it’s way around the globe at this point! Grab your own I Heart Dino Sports Tee at...

So This Happened

Oh I almost forgot. We don’t promote other brands or anything on here (because DUH) but while in Las Vegas I had to have my picture taken with a zombie hello kitty. That’s right, I HAD TO. I was literally FORCED to (by myself). Enjoy:

Magic Trade Show

We attend a big fashion trade show in Vegas a couple times every year and this year I ran into so many celebrities! I have a friend named Carly who literally runs into someone famous every day, but even she doesn’t meet a different famous person every 5 minutes!...

Drinking and Thinkin

Man, we are SO BUSY this week. I apologize for NOTHING though because business is busy and that is a great thing! That being said, you may ask yourself, “Myself, how does Goodie Two Sleeves® manage to stay warm during these freezing California summer days and...

That Was Weird.

So we’re back from Vegas, regained control of our blog from a robot and we’re also RICH! We’ll update you all further next week but for now rest assured we are retiring early because gambling PAYS! For example, Jason made a single $100 bet and he won...


—- BLOG-BOT625 – Protocol Commence ——- Post Blog #00_0003 —- —- Nano-Hijack Initiated —- —- Obtaining Robotic Content —- —- Posting Content… —- —- For more info on why a robot is blogging,...