Pool XVI – GTS Makes You Awesome…

Our friend Josh Caine was kind enough to come along with us for the ride and take some seriously stellar pictures of our trek into tradeshow territory. The unofficial theme for this tradeshow season for Goodie was ‘Goodie Two Sleeves Makes You Awesome’. We did a...

We’re Back!

It took us a while but we’re back from our crazy tradeshow in Las Vegas. I heard that there were 40% fewer people out at Magic and Pool due to the economy, but that didn’t prevent us from having one of the best shows yet! There is a LOT that I can’t talk about yet,...

No Floaties Required at this Pool

I’m writing this on the fly on location in Las Vegas, at the Pool Tradeshow. Amazing time so far, talking to some long time buyers, and meeting some new stores that love themselves some ‘Sleeves! Like SCOUT, an awesome chain of retail stores in Italy, plus several...

Jamie Lynn Spears + Stay Golden = BFF

We been busy! The blog has not been. I’m actually looking at like 15 news worthy things to write about, but I just don’t have the time! Instead I’ll let you all enjoy this fun shot of Jamie Lynn Spears cruising around town in her Stay Golden shirt. Hooraaaay! Check...

While I’m Awake…

Hey shoot, while I’m up why don’t I make a post at 11:30pm? OKAY!!!1 Delia*s is awesome. They’re a great store, they sell great things at great prices and they’re great because of the few tee brands they list, they have us second! (Right after Junk Food...

New Almost Everything Promo spot.

The boys Watersquash and Cornmill (also known as Waterman and Barnhill) decided to help us laugh with this tangy little ad featuring a few funny moments from the podcast, Almost Everything. They even wore several Goodie shirts in the promo. Catch up with our favorite...

Images = 1000 words. 1000 words = About 700 words.

[Cliché blog apology for lack of updates goes here] When I don’t have time to put together images for posts, I usually don’t post at all because part of me thinks that an image validates a good post, but some of the best blogs I read have no images at all. Today’s...

Goodie @ San Diego Comic-Con 2008!

Sort of… NBC Universal has liked them some ‘Sleeves for a while now, so much so that in prep for this year’s Comic-Con, they approached us to create 3 shirts for 2 of their most awesome shows. 2 shirts for ‘The Office’ and 1 for ‘30 Rock’. So far they’ve been a hit...