by Gabe Connor | Jul 1, 2011 | Awesome
True story: On my way into work this morning, I was thinking about some of our old school (OG) designs and our Hamster design was front and center in my cerebral cortex for 5 minutes or so. There are a bunch of funny stories surrounding that design, but one of the...
by Gabe Connor | Jun 29, 2011 | Awesome
Go Tom Cats! Go Wild Cats! Go Laser Cats! And while we’re at it, Go Bandit Cats! And all regular Bandits too. We sponsored the Warren Bandits this year because if we love anything, it is sponsoring Warren Bandits. And guess what? They won! The championship! Now,...
by Gabe Connor | Jun 27, 2011 | Awesome
The GOODIE family, that is! Here’s our friend, Walt, sporting his awesome Ron Swanson tee we designed exclusively for our friends at NBC! See how his necklace compliments the dark tones of the cotton shirt. Marvel at his choice of location, the rod iron fence...
by Gabe Connor | Jun 24, 2011 | Awesome
TGIF! In honor of Friday, we are held our first ever Dance Off Merriment Awesome Contest Party here at Goodie HQ! We invited everyone in our Rolodex which was only like, five foreign dudes. But MAN did those foreign dudes know how to dance around in circles! They must...
by Gabe Connor | Jun 21, 2011 | Awesome
Yeah! Vegas baby! We recently attended the 2011 Licensing show in Los Vargas, Nevido and it was really fun! We weren’t there very long, just long enough to make some friends and split. Needless to say, the show was nuts! Man this show was busy! I met an...
by Gabe Connor | Jun 7, 2011 | Awesome
In order to travel back to 1985 we must put our recycling into the Mr. Fusion and get our Delorean up to 88 miles per hour and also purchase this exclusive tux shirt colorway from our friends at J’s Bridal, Bouquets & Baskets (& Back-To-The-Futures...
by Gabe Connor | Jun 6, 2011 | Awesome
There is something hilariously awesome about The Lonely Island and the songs they create. Instant classics over there all day long, I’m sure. Island Native, Jorma recently went to Kenya where he filmed a music video with Kenyan rapper ‘Rabbit’ and...
by Gabe Connor | May 31, 2011 | Awesome
Why is this place about to blow, you ask? Because of all the fans! We gave away 10 shirts last week on our facebook and twitter pages, I wonder if we’ll give away any more THIS week?… I guess you’ll have to like/follow us to find out! Until then,...
by Gabe Connor | May 25, 2011 | Awesome
We’ve been giving away a lot of shirts on facebook and twitter lately, which is always so much fun. Make sure you Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter to win great new stuff! That being said, we have a few new shirts up in the shop with even more coming...
by Gabe Connor | May 16, 2011 | Awesome
It’s been a slow news week, if only because there was an outbreak of Unicorn Flu here at Goodie HQ and all of our Unicorns became Pegasuses and flew away. I thought our absence in bringing you up-to-date Goodie t-shirt news deserved a custom video apology so I...