by Gabe Connor | Aug 27, 2010 | Awesome
Oh I almost forgot. We don’t promote other brands or anything on here (because DUH) but while in Las Vegas I had to have my picture taken with a zombie hello kitty. That’s right, I HAD TO. I was literally FORCED to (by myself). Enjoy:
by Gabe Connor | Aug 26, 2010 | Awesome
We attend a big fashion trade show in Vegas a couple times every year and this year I ran into so many celebrities! I have a friend named Carly who literally runs into someone famous every day, but even she doesn’t meet a different famous person every 5 minutes!...
by Gabe Connor | Aug 25, 2010 | Awesome
Man, we are SO BUSY this week. I apologize for NOTHING though because business is busy and that is a great thing! That being said, you may ask yourself, “Myself, how does Goodie Two Sleeves® manage to stay warm during these freezing California summer days and...
by Gabe Connor | Aug 20, 2010 | Awesome
So we’re back from Vegas, regained control of our blog from a robot and we’re also RICH! We’ll update you all further next week but for now rest assured we are retiring early because gambling PAYS! For example, Jason made a single $100 bet and he won...
by Gabe Connor | Aug 19, 2010 | Awesome
—- BLOG-BOT625 – Protocol Commence ——- Post Blog #00_0003 —- —- Nano-Hijack Initiated —- —- Obtaining Robotic Content —- —- Posting Content… —- —- For more info on why a robot is blogging,...