by Gabe Connor | Jul 4, 2010 | Awesome
We’re finally a REAL nation, you guys! Today marks the day that America graduated from the sixth grade and I am SO proud of that little guy! Sure, he spilled an entire carton of CRUDE OIL all over the Gulf Bay of our living room, but he didn’t mean to!...
by Gabe Connor | Jul 2, 2010 | Awesome
On a day, today, July 2, when the entire universe comes together in one day of peace and tranquility to celebrate the America’s wedding anniversary, it is only fitting to sing the most best song ever. Also I don’t think any of that sentence is actually...
by Gabe Connor | Jun 28, 2010 | Awesome
Are you ever flying your twin engine over the desert when a wing-to-wing-salesmen get’s all “Charlie 704, do you read me? Put the plane down so I can SELL YOU SOME CUTLERY!” in your face? And you’re like, “Aw maaaaaaan!” These guys...
by Gabe Connor | Jun 24, 2010 | Awesome, News
Why are we doing so much pranking around here? It it because we are all twelve year old children with attention disorders and a blatant disregard for regulations? Yes. Probably. There’s no way to know. BUT I CAN remember, a long long time ago when this all...
by Gabe Connor | Jun 22, 2010 | Awesome
That’s a weird title. But it is fairly accurate. Especially because Leslie instigated the pranking of Roger. Well, when Leslie left town for a bit it was Roger who wanted to return the favor. I just cringe at the thought of when I’ll be next! Anyways, we...