Justin Bieber Music Video

JUSTIIIIIN BIIIIIEEEEBBBER!!!!! I know you guys! He has a song with Ludacris and it’s called “Baby”!! And they made a music video for that song! And it should wind up in your eyes within the next day or so! BUUUUUUUT! Inside SCOOOOOP! We have some...

Elijah WOULD Look Like This

That title is very weird, but I was having a hard time coming up with something clever-er. We all know that Tim Burton’s very awesome and very creepy version of Alice in Wonderland is hitting theaters on March 5, 2010, and we all know that the promotional poster...

Paranomal Activity

So the movie Paranormal Activity, which we have not seen and therefore cannot vouch for, came out on DVD. Normal. BUT they had this cool thing where you could submit your name to be included in the end credits! Neat! AND we signed up for it! RAD! If it’s hard to...