Wedding Music Video

Wow. I saw this because Joshua Caine saw this because Jenna Diane saw this because someone else saw this. Now you get to see it. Amazing.

Ella and Aleksi

I don’t remember if I posted this a long timeagoa and even if I did 1) I’m too busy and/or tired to check and 2) it deserves to be mentioned again. Foreign children rappers? Heck yes. This music video is the win too, considering in real life trains are...

Cookie Nook Coffee Mug

Ever wanted a little less coffee/tea/molassass (You weirdo. You drink molassass in the morning) and a little more COOKIE with your breakfast? They might call it the Dunk Mug, but ‘Cookie Nook’ sounds so much sillier.For only 14 bucks I’m going to get...

Goodie Spotted!

At a local school carnival, some people used a modified extra-large Goodie logo sticker to make their Dump Tank (like a Dunk Tank, except the water falls on you, not the other way around) a little more crazier. I don’t know what’s better, that kids got to...