by Gabe Connor | Feb 16, 2009 | Awesome
Hilarious way to start the week:
by Gabe Connor | Feb 13, 2009 | Awesome
Edit: These images are a little big, but I’m hungry so I’ll fix it later*. * See: never. This week’s episode of ‘Ask Hector’ will not be seen so that we may bring you a very special announcement. I GOT NERF’D IN THE FACE....
by Gabe Connor | Feb 12, 2009 | Cool Stuff
What’s up Gals and Gents? Thought I’d explain in part why we haven’t been updating the blog uber much as of late. WE’RE LAZY. No, that’s not it. Oh, we’re busy, right. Well let me clue you in on something we’ve been working...
by Gabe Connor | Feb 6, 2009 | Awesome, News
Question: “Dude, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck? Why would he chuck wood in the first place?” Answer: “First of all…a woodchuck does not chuck wood, because a woodchuck is just a frigging rodent like rats and squirrels. They want nothing...
by Gabe Connor | Feb 3, 2009 | Awesome
A old friend sent us this picture from the streets of London. Pretty Awesome!